Activities in Summer holidays

Relax during the summer!

In Summer enjoy extensive

  • Nordic walking paths and also
  • Varied hiking areas,
  • Mountain biking trips,
  • Fishing in a near lake
  • Visiting a museum.

You can also have lots of fun in the summer toboggan „Alpin Coaster“ and the Forest Rope Course-Golm – 5 Min. from the Hotel.

Our holiday region is the right place for all tastes! We would be pleased to advise you individually.

Hiking in the Montafon


In Montafon there are a lot of possibilities to go hiking or walking. From comfortable paths through green fields and meadows up to alpin tours in stone and rock mountains, you have the choice.

You can anytime book, through the tourism office, guided thematical tours (following the steps of Hemingway, Via Aqua hiking, hiking for children, looking for the miner paths…).

Climbing St. Anton im Montafon

Climbing in St. Anton im Montafon

Mountainbiking Montafon

Mountain biking in Montafon

Over 600 signboards point to the different roads and warranty absolute bike pleasure. The road net and the bike guiding was developed with the Mountainbike Club Montafon.

The “three colour level system” from skiing was kept for biking purposes, as functional scheme here for years: blues roads are for beginners, red for advanced and black for experts, also with bike-portaging-passages. Each phase is descripted in the informative guide with the profile height, soil type and kilometer information. You can get these informative guides at the tourism offices in Montafon. This way Montafon looks always forward to positioning itself as a top region in mountain biking.

Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking – Smooth Fitness-Training for your body

The best way to train your whole body easily, smoothly, effectively, low priced. You just need two sticks with a special backstrap system for your hand and let´s go! Everyone can practice Nordic Walking. No matter if you are 10 or 75 years old. You just have to learn the technique and have the right equipment.


Riding for beginners and advanced learners

The homey stable with the special charisma is the meeting point for all horses´ fans. Observe the breeding of foals and experience their lives out in the natur. Explore on the back of our sure-footed and spirited horses the wonderful mountain world of the Gargellen – over ample nature paths and romantic mountain´s creeks. Enjoy a ride in the alp or in the morn, if in a footstep, a trot or a speedy galopp, you´ll never forget this adventure!


Tennis in Schruns – Montafoner Tennis Center

The Tennis Center in Montafon offers you an attractive training´s program.

Free location: 09.00am – 18.00pm
Tennis court: 09.00am – 18.00pm
One hour with trainer: € 44,–
Additional person € 15,– / hour.
3 tennis courts with carpet/clay
5 free location in Bross-Slide-Sunshine
2 children free locations

Tennis courts
Clay Court: 3
Free locations
Artificial grass: 5


Golf in Montafon

The playing area lies at the Schruns-Tschagguns upon the shore of the river Ill and has got its charming ambiente thanks the wonderful mountain panorama and the beautiful sorroundings.

The first Golf club in Vorarlberg counts with an extense driving range, putting and pitching greens and a comfortable, rustical club house.

  • 9-hole couse with natural finish fairways
  • CR 61,9; SL 106 (Men), CR 62,6; SL 100 (Women), AAR 62
  • Course lenght 3.920 m
  • Putting green, chipping area, driving range
  • Classes for beginners, advanced learners, singles and groups
  • individual hotel arrangements

Green Fee (requirement skill level)

Days of the week: open place for all guests. Mon – Fri 34,00

Lamatrekking Montafon


The llama farm is upon a beautiful sunny hillside up to ca. 1200m over sea at Innerberg by Guesthouse Mühle. The small cottage has a big stale and is situated on the middle of the wonderful trekking paradise of Bartholomäberg.

Standard information
For all tours in summer you need good shoes, the right clothing and appropiate provisions (max. 10 participants with 5 llamas per tour!)

Kristberg-Tour (Tour 1)
Innerberg – over Höhenweg up to Kristbergsattel – Guesthouse Kristberg – Innerberg time by foot ca. 4h incl. instructions and pauses.

St. Anna-Stollen-Tour (Tour 2)
Innerberg – over Fritzasee up to St.Anna-Lugs – Innerberg time by foot ca. 5,5 h incl. instructions and pauses (St.Anna-lugs or viewing) Viewing St.Anna-lugs Wednesday and Fridays 13.00-17:00h, ca. 1 h

Rellseck-Tour (Tour 3)
Innerberg – over Höhenweg Lutt up to Rellseck (Guesthouse) – Innerberg. We look forward to organize test tourings and special tours for families, schools and companies.

Standard – Tours in winter

Kristberg-Tour (Tour 4)
Innerberg – Guesthouse Kristberg – Innerberg time by foot ca. 2h incl. instruction and pauses.

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